Jonah and the Time Machine

Grandpa and Grandma Diltz bought Jonah an incredible new toy (the exersaucer). We call it "the time machine" as it looks like something one of H.G. Wells' characters might step into, manipulate a few knobs, and end up meeting Morlocks, our ancient ancestors Homo Habilis, or hang out with a founding father or two. Jonah absolutely loves this thing and, given no time restrictions, could probably just hang out in this thing all day though pooping and eating get in the way at times.


Anonymous said…
The exersaucer is awesome. Jonah could get on QVC and sell these things. Or, at the least take it down to Sellwood Amusement Park and charge people for rides (assuming they meet the height requirement, or maximum, of course).
you guys were not kidding! the exersaucer is the best dang contraption since the Bjorn! we gotta put wheels on these things when the boys are older, and let them play bumper-saucers, seeing how they are like a virtual tank. thanks for the tip on that......we had to go get one next day, and it is now well intigrated into BeeBao's routine......
i wonder if Jonah's first words will be "mama", "dada", or "BeeBao is a copy cat"?

tnx for the tip, and the time....i hope it is the beginning of getting back into our thang!
mucho amore from our fam to yours!

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