Family Time at the Park
was an hour of fun at Irving Park all together as a family of four. Steering the play structure with intense concentration, traveling through the tunnel on the way to the slide. Then the whole family got on the teeter-totter (or do you call it a see-saw? Is there a difference or is it just a regional thing like the sound a dog makes? Ruff vs. Bark vs. Woof). Of course leaving such a fun event did not make Jonah a happy boy. But he sure looks funny when he is upset. In fact, feel free to leave a comment stating what you think Jonah would have said at the moment of the picture.
Picture #2 " Ummm Let me see, I need to make a right turn"
Picture #3 Darn it I Should have turned left"
Picture #4 My God!! Wrong way on a one way street!!"
Last Pic Caption: "Arrrrggggghhhh...this damn GPS is a piece of doo-doo!"