Happy Birthday Neighbor Terri

It is our friend and neighbor Terri's birthday. We are going to go to their home in shifts to sing 80's karaoke tunes and celebrate with our awesome neighbors.

Jonah felt bad that he couldn't make it but he had to get his own drink on at home and then off to slumberland for him.

He made this poster for us to give to Terri, but we didn't have the heart to tell him that he used the back of our credit card bill and we didn't think she'd want it anyway if it were us handing it to her rather than cute little smiley Jonah.

So.... Here is the picture of the poster with Jonah in it.

Happy Birthday Terri.


Anonymous said…
Awwww...Jonah you are TOO cute! Sorry we missed seeing you and your momma last night and I hope you recover soon from those ouchy shots. Your papa had fun singing Tainted Love...someday soon you can clap along with him. Thanks for thinking of me and sending me my most original bday greetings yet. :)

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