Our Garden

(michael) - We are getting closer to completing the backyard garden. Though I have not been able to spend too much time back there lately.

We are learning to grow vegetables and currently have planted in the photos here; potato, green bush bean, tomato, beet, cucumber, summer squash, cantaloupe, cabbage, leeks, carrots, lettuce, green onion, bok choy, hot peppers, kale and snow peas (raspberries and blueberries and a lonely single strawberry plant too). Of course so much of this is an experiment, and we ended up growing small quantities of many things, that I doubt we will see all of this grow in the space provided, but it sure is fun trying. I have learned that it is pretty darn easy to get a seed to sprout and grow into a plant. Getting it to thrive is what takes work. And it seems to me that it's the same way with people.


Anonymous said…

Thanks for posting the pics of the garden. Looks like you have a very green thumb. Puts my attempt at gerdening to shame.

Take care,

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