Quick thought on Monday morning

After the three of us spent a lovely weekend together (which included camping in our backyard-super fun!) it came to my attention that things are starting to feel easy, or normal between the three of us. I suppose we have practiced and been in enough situations with Jonah now, that we're not constantly breaking new ground. We know how to take him to the grocery store, we know what time we need to show up at a friends house for dinner so we can still get home and get the little man to bed on time, we know what it's like to take him to the doctor and a million other little situations we've had to test out over the past months.

So I guess the lesson to all of you who don't yet have kids....be kind to yourselves during this major upheaval in your lives..realize that it's going to take a while before you start to feel really comfortable, and give your partner and your relationship time and space to work out all the kinks. What you'll end up with is pure joy.

-The Mama


grandma Janet said…
Such wisdom in only 4 1/2 months. You truly are a family in every definition of the word.

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