So, if you have been following the blog at all you know that each Monday Hallie sings with the city's symphonic choir. Little Jonah was lucky enough to hear many practices and performances from his front row seat in the womb. Now, however, he is out of the womb and in my care on Monday nights. This week was the third such event. The other two times were pure disaster.
This Monday things worked though. I trained hard for the week leading up to this moment. I gave him a bottle a few times, learned to do anything and everything in my arsenal to help him to be comfortable. This includes, baby talk, bjorn front carrier while walking around the house and neighborhood, dancing, singing, puppet shows, mime acts, music, outside, inside, rocking, diaper changes, clothing changes, transcendental meditation, promised trips to Disney World. Maybe not some of these but you get the idea. I worked hard for those 4 hours and it paid off.
Jonah smiled for me most of the evening and my heart feels happier each time that happens.
This Monday things worked though. I trained hard for the week leading up to this moment. I gave him a bottle a few times, learned to do anything and everything in my arsenal to help him to be comfortable. This includes, baby talk, bjorn front carrier while walking around the house and neighborhood, dancing, singing, puppet shows, mime acts, music, outside, inside, rocking, diaper changes, clothing changes, transcendental meditation, promised trips to Disney World. Maybe not some of these but you get the idea. I worked hard for those 4 hours and it paid off.
Jonah smiled for me most of the evening and my heart feels happier each time that happens.