Cataloging Moments

Today I had a revelation. Of course Hallie has been thinking this since the very beginning; I wish that I could take each and every moment of Jonah's life and catalog everything about it. My feeling, his sounds, expressions and flailing, glimpses of learning in his eyes, his smell, the weather, the junk mail that came that day, the music we listened to together, the feeling that I forgot to take a breath while staring at his face... Absolutely everything.

I want to be able to call those moments up and step into them. Maybe even a way to step from one moment to another instantly and note the change.

It isn't that I wish he could stop growing and be exactly like he is today. I want tomorrow too. I want to feel like I felt yesterday, feel like I feel today and be surprised by all of the emotions that are to come.


Anonymous said…
Grandma Clark; Isn't it amazing how you can love someone so much that you have only known for a little over 6 weeks. You can't explain that kind of love to someone until they experience it.
So glad to know that things are gong well just remembe that you are individuals and no matter what a book/books say you are you.
Love & Hugs

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