Thoughts from the 6-Week-Old Mommy

I thought I should write a little something today, but it's difficult to know what that should be. So many changes have taken place and I think I'm still processing. Unfortunately my brain has a bad habit of having to think things over for sometimes weeks before I come with definitive conclusions.

Anyway-I'm babbling. So the days with Jonah have been great. He is pretty much literally attached to me all day either in the carrier, breastfeeding, or just hanging out playing. When Michael gets home around 4PM and takes Jonah for a walk, I literally feel anxiety-not that I think Michael will drop him or anything, but it's almost as though someone has just run off with one of my limbs and I'm not sure how I'm going to get along without it for an hour.

Jonah still sleeps a lot- about 7 hours during the day, so I don't see a whole lot of him yet, but the smiles have slowly day by day been getting more and more frequent and bigger and bigger. We have been having these lovely mornings-I call them our "snack and snooze" time. He wakes up at 6:30, I feed him in bed with me, where he falls asleep eating. He will wake up again about 2 hours later for yet another snack. After that he slowly wakes up, smiley, happy and ready for the day. This is probably my favorite time of day with this little guy.

Getting out of the house has been an adventure too. I feel so much more confident about it. I have had several successful breastfeeding experiences, have taken Jonah to the Chinese Garden, to Kennedy School for a "Mommy Matinee," to Trader Joes, to visit Nasir at the coffee joint up the street. We have even taken the bus to get to a few places. No problem so far. Of course-he hasn't yet gotten hungry in the middle of a bus trip, or a grocery store excursion, but I try and time it so that won't happen. But I guess my point is that I'm slowly gaining more confidence with all this.

And pretty much everyday now I have a mixture of thoughts that go from how I wish that I could keep all these moments from passing, but at the same time being so curious about what my little son will be like in the future.

So we continue to evolve our new life, Michael, Jonah,and I, and continue to define ourselves as a family-getting used to new ways of spending our time, learning and changing together. We all just need to remember to take it slow, take deep breaths, give ourselves a break every now and then, and be proud of the job we are doing (this part, or course, pertains to the parents!).

Off to our baby group....


grandma Janet said…
Hallie and Michael,
It is wonderful to read your thoughts and follow the evolution of your family during your first 6 weeks together. Please keep the BLOG going since I have learned so much about my son and daughter-in-law by reading this. Of course, seeing Jonah grow before my eyes is truly a blessing. I am so proud of you both.
bemundy said…
Morning snack time is the best!

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