
"What a failure." My thought as I reflected on my first time alone for 4 hours with Jonah. It went something like this.

Tried to go for a walk at 5 pm to calm him and get him to sleep. It rained suddenly and we had to turn back.

Jonah would not sleep. Maybe he is bored. Play with him. Tummy time. Make idiotic faces in the mirror to get his attention. Dance around to reggae tunes while holding Jonah. Didn't work. Just kind of annoyed him.

Begins to cry now. Maybe he needs his diaper changed. Prepare to change his diaper. He cries more. Get the clothes and diaper off and the new diaper ready. He gets red in the face. Clean his bottom and other goodies. He pees on me. He cries louder.

Maybe he is cold. Swaddle him tightly. No luck

He must be hungry. Prepare the bottle for only the third time of use. Give him the bottle. He doesn't want it. He continues to cry and is now choking on all the milk that never made it into his belly only dribbled from the nipple into his nose, mouth, ear and onto his neck, clean clothes,and my pants.

Three hours have passed and I hope that the clock is wrong and that Hallie will walk through the door and save me from this disaster.

Put him in swing. Give him pacifier. Put him in swing with pacifier. Put him in swing with pacifier while listening to music and massaging his head. No. No. No!

Hallie comes home. I look frazzled. She takes Jonah. He eats, he coos, he burps, he sleeps.

And that is it. Jonah wants mom. And I am not mom.


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