Labor Story

I won't bore you with all the gory details of the birth...but give a few impressions and memories. I will start by saying that things turned out the opposite of how we had planned.
I never seemed to get that gradual build up you're supposed to get..contractions just hit me head on and quickly from the beginning. We were planning to go all natural..but after 16 hours of intense pain from our little Jonah being positioned "sunny side up," it was time to surrender to the gods of modern medicine. It absolutely felt like the right thing to do. I thought I would feel disappointed about using an epidural, but now I do believe that I used it the right way for me. I allowed my body to labor naturally for a long long time-longer I'm sure than lots of people could have, but it wasn't working and I was suffering.
After I had received some relief, the night still went on and on. The dipping heart beat of my baby, pitocin to speed things up, the OBGYN on call to see if I needed a C section (which I nearly did), sitting up with the doulas shooting the shit, FINALLY at 9 centimeters and then time to push. Push for 2 hours and still nothing....Hallie starts finding inner resources she never thought she had mostly due to being ANGRY for this situation dragging on and on and on.
The cheering section of nurse-angels and Michael's teary voice urging me on. Then I knew he was almost here..I could sense an excitement and energy among everyone present.
And there he was.