Baby as Religion

I have no plans to hold my baby up as the next savior, there already seems to be plenty of others out there right now saying so about themselves (type Bush and Messiah in google and be stunned) and I am pretty certain that Bhudda, Jesus, Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi, Mohammed, Cesar Chavez, Subcomandante Marcos and many others I am neglecting would never have said so about themselves. Anyway, the title of this post is because of what little Jonah has brought to our world in less than a week of life outside the womb.
For me, religion went hand in hand with giving thanks. I don't practice the religion of my youth but haven't forgot that "giving thanks" was a part of life either. However, seeing Jonah breath, flail, cry, poo, eat and generally struggle to understand this new world has made all of the things I am and have been thankful for over my life flood into my thoughts. So, in a way my little Jonah, and each life, new and old, has the ability to make someone thankful for the many great things in their life. Now I figure with over 6.5 billion people on the planet and countless other living beauties, there is probably some living thing that has the ability to be your religion for a moment. Maybe just long enough for you to be thankful for one little thing in your life and move on with your day. But a religious experience nonetheless.
I hope that you are enjoying little Jonah and getting some sleep. We are so happy for you all. Take care. Hallie, nap when that little guy naps, it's the best advice I can give. Take Care!
Holly, Jeremy, Hayden and Mia Hunke