Images of My Two Favorite People in the Whole Wide World

Born at 6:57 am on March 6, 2007 after 30 hours of labor. He is healthy and likes to poop but doesn't like getting diaper changes. Hallie is feeling much better and looks wonderful. Life is wonderful and I feel happier than I have ever felt in my life. Tired, but elated.


Deanna said…
What can I say? I am thrilled about the addition to the family and can't wait to meet my nephew.

You've now experienced the miracle of life and I know you are already such wonderful parents to Jonah. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us through this blog so we can watch Jonah change and grow through your eyes.

All my love to your new little family - Michael, Hallie and Jonah - and peace be with you on your unique and special journey.

Auntie Deanna
Anonymous said…
Welcome to the club! Only those of us who have experienced birth can understand exactly how it feels. You described it perfectly- Ivan was so frustrated that he couldn't DO anything when I was in labor with Isabel.

Now every moment is such a gem. Yesterday Isabel was cuddling in bed with me and she said, "Mami, soy tu tesoro" (Mommy, I'm your treasure). She was so right.

We are so happy for you and can't wait to hear how Jonah and his parents are changing and growing.

Love, Elena, Ivan, Isabel and Lily
justme said…
Congratulations! Welcome to parenthood. So, glad to hear that you have a healthy beautiful baby boy. (We will be able to share many stories in the years to come.)Jonah is so lucky to have you both as parents. Treasure your time together--he will grow so quickly.
Anonymous said…
Oh congratulations you guys! I can't wait to meet your beautiful boy!
Wimmer Girl said…
Hallie, Michael & Jonah,
We are so happy for the three of you! Jonah is one lucky little boy to have chosen the two of you to be his parents.
Lots of love from
Ali & Jens
Anonymous said…
Hey guys…I’ve been wondering each day on my way to work when your new addition was going to arrive. CONGRATS! We are so happy for you two and really looking forward to meeting Jonah and soaking up all the first-time parent experiences from you both. Who knows, MAYBE (with a LOT of practice) we can be your neighborhood drop-in babysitter service. :) We’ll look forward to visiting soon when you’re feeling ready for extended visitors.

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