Beautiful Day in the Garden.

Today Hallie, Jonah and I worked in the yard on a beautiful Portland Spring Preview day. I shoveled dirt, planted ground cover, tilled the soil, added compost, sowed lettuce, onion, kale, cilantro, spinach, sweat peas, and nasturium ate a cookie (sorry Jonah for the crumbs in your hair) and drank a milkshake (Hallie is breastfeeding and needs the extra calories. I don't want her to feel lonely drinking milkshakes by herself) all with Jonah strapped into the Baby Bjorn.

I wish every day could be as wonderful as today was.


Unknown said…
We are so happy that you guys are doing so well. You guys are going to be the best parents ever!!
We can't wait to come visit you this summer.

LOtsa Love,
I and I

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