Turning 45 in Indonesia

What a fun day. I find myself, during the last week or so, feeling a little more settled. Getting a tiny bit better grasp of where I am, and where I fit into the scheme of things. Knowing that probably I'm wrong and all of it will change. Understanding that this place feels safe, the kids are really happy, and it's ok to be a mom and not be running around 12 hours a day and just barely feel like you're keeping up, like I used to do in the US. It's ok to enjoy a book, and REALLY know that it's ok to relax. To be able to fall asleep in the afternoon should I want, and not have that voice telling me there's a million things to do, waking me up over and over again.

So back to today. I had a wonderful morning with some new friends. Yenni, Christina, Teak. One Indonesian, one Chinese Indonesian, one Korean. All speaking English when normally they would speak Bahasa together. (How awesome to have that choice!). Fun, silly, happy ladies. An innocence and peace to them. They bought me my coffee and then drove me home. Then I went to my haircut, where miss Lenny and I discussed hypnosis.

Back home, and Michael had arranged all the teachers to meet at the Bali Hut with beers, food from Ibu Tini, and then Christina and Matthew's driver took us to dinner in their car. It was so, so nice.


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