Saying Goodbye to My Dad

So we'd been here about 4 weeks when my amazing Dad passed away. I still can't believe it. It doesn't seem possible that he is no longer on this Earth. It is a staggering, take-your-breath away experience that I am just starting to go through.

This meant, of course, that I had to fly back to the US after barely getting over the first round of jet lag. Pretty rough, I thought. And in many ways it was, but in many ways it was a huge blessing.

Even though the funeral wasn't scheduled until Sept 27th, I flew back a month early, thinking my mom would need help and company. But when I arrived, she didn't want anyone to stay with her. She just wanted peace and rest after the stress of taking care of him for so long. So, unexpectedly, I started couch surfing in Portland. I stayed with Heidi and Joe, Claire and Jed, Deb and Svatia, and eventually ended up in a beautiful apartment all by myself right on the Willamette river. It was a great place to gather my thoughts while marveling at a part of Portland I rarely have ever seen.

I ended up being able to say a proper goodbye to Portland friends, and to Portland herself. We were so crazy busy and stressed out before we left, that we really didn't have any time to reflect and say a meaningful goodbye. At least that's how it felt for me. Being back there, although I was so sad, was very healing.

The services for Dad were lovely, especially the military burial, which was surprising. That ritual, playing taps, the presentation of the flag, the gun shots, all of it was so respectful and full of tradition. I didn't take a lot of photos, but here are a few:
Taken before the ceremony
Where his ashes are buried

Todd and Mom

Uncle John and Aunt Bobbie

Uncle John and his "Babe"

Tom and Cathy

An Amazing Feast in Dad's Honor

View from my balcony on the Willamette. It was magical.


Anonymous said…
Sorry for your loss, Hallie. I remember your dad fondly in the short time I knew him.

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