Our Crazy August

Crazy us decided it would be a great idea to do a remodel our kitchen and bedroom while taking care of two little kids. One word for that: smart!

So as there is no way to have a 9 month old and a 2 1/2 year old in a house without a kitchen, we decided to take off for three weeks while the place was getting a much-needed face lift. First we took off for the beach, Manzanita to be exact. Our good friends Sandra and Sean and their son Stewart stayed with us a couple days, then grandma and grandpa Clark came out, and we even had a short visit from Auntie Deanna and cousin Carter.

We then took off for another beach house in Canon Beach and had our friends Elke and Byron and their little girl Skyelar stay with us.

And the trip kept going!.....we then hoped on an airplane and took off for Shamu land..that's right, we visited Ivan and Elena and their two beautiful daughters Lily and Isabel. Despite the 100 degree temperatures, we had a blast at Balboa Park, at the beach (where, unlike Oregon beaches, there is no need to dawn a full wet suit just so you can dipp a toe in), and hanging out at our hosts' great pad that included a pool and full sized trampoline for the kiddies!

I attached a bunch of photos starting with our trip to Manzanita. Hope you enjoy. Oh-and we're so glad to be home, even though it still looks like a bomb went off around here. Gone are the days when we had big chunks of time to complete a project. HEEEEM.


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