My Precious Little Mae. A Brief Retrospective.

Having two children is not as easy as having one. Of course no one in their right mind said it would be but I still didn't imagine that it would seem more than twice as challenging. For me it often is. Things I thought I'd still have time for, like writing for our family blog, pulling weeds from the garden or taking deep breaths seem to have been pushed to the side for the past 10 months.
I often wonder if years later Jonah and Mae will read these entries and realize that many moments of Jonah's early life were catalogued here whereas Mae will wonder to herself, "I wonder if they love Jonah more than they love me." Not possible my little Mae.
So many things have gone un-recorded here and to recreate a bunch of posts to relive them will not do it all justice so I have put together a bulleted list of the many things I missed posting but think about each and every day when I see my sweet little girl.
- You say dadda like it is the best word in the world (nevermind that besides that and cat you don't really have any other words so I am really only in direct competition with the cat. Now that I think about it you just say my name, smile and point but for the cats you also giggle....hmm)
- You love to feed me crackers, cheese, and anything else you may have been slobbering on. It is sweet even if I sometimes only pretend to eat it.
- You love getting hugs from daddy and it shows.
- I can't go anywhere without someone commenting about your beautiful face or how your hair proves you must be daddy's girl.
- You are so cute it almost hurts and I lose my breath.
- You have the same wonderful, Zen-like, disposition as your mom. (Sorry Jonah but you got more of my disposition than mom's I think. But that is okay, you'll think everything in the world is absolutely intriguing for the rest of your life)
- You love to touch flowers, play in the grass and look at the sky in awe.
- Swings make you happy.
- Your brother makes you happy (even if he currently is in the try-to-kick-Mae-in-the-head-when-no-one-is-looking stage he still gives you the best hugs goodnight)
- You love to point at people and smile
- You love to smile
- I love your smile
- You love to pull yourself up to the little toy piano and bang away.
- You love to maul the cats and for some reason Rufus lets you.
- You eat everything.
