Ok-admitedly this isn't all that interesting, just a cute shot of the two of them in the double stroller on our way home from the farmers' market last weekend.
The weather was beautiful this weekend and we were fortunate enough to have plans for the beach. We stayed at a beach house in Manzanita Oregon with grandpa and grandma Clark and Auntie Kealie and her boyfriend Chris. We came back from one of 3 trips to the beach today and stopped for some ice cream. Jonah pretty much stole my ice cream and had a wonderful time doing so. He is a happy kid. I love this little boy so much.
Born at 6:57 am on March 6, 2007 after 30 hours of labor. He is healthy and likes to poop but doesn't like getting diaper changes. Hallie is feeling much better and looks wonderful. Life is wonderful and I feel happier than I have ever felt in my life. Tired, but elated.
Jonah loves to help out. Here he is preparing swiss chard to saute and eating the loaf of bread that was meant to be shared by the whole family. We eventually were able to pry the baguette out of his hands while he screamed, "WANT BAG IT! WANT BAG IT ALL OF IT!!!" Even with the bite marks, that Pearl Bakery Baguette was tasty.