Don't know what to title this one-from the mama

Maybe, "the life I never thought I'd be leading" or "My crazy, happy, schizophrenic days as a mother of two little ones" or "Take a breath, Hallie, this is going to go by fast." Half the time I have no idea what to think. I love these kids, I want to hang onto this time while they are so little, but at the same time, they have the unique ability to make me totally crazy. They have given me so much, and at the same time taken some things away, for instance the ability to have any Hallie centered thoughts all day. I think I have some parts of parenthood understood and nailed down, and then everything will confound me.

But man, these kids are cute. Mae is turning into an absolute doll. For the first weeks of her life I was calling her my "funny face," but now she is just turning into a beauty. She is very peaceful and so smiley and good natured. Jonah, though very demanding, is also a sweet-natured kid who is turning into a thoughtful, caring big brother. He's always aware of Mae. He tells me when she is crying, asks if she's "hungy", offers her bits of his food, asks me if she is sleeping or awake. I think they are going to be great playmates and friends someday.

I know if I can just keep everyone going one day at a time, soon I will look back and it will all be a memory, and I'll be sad it happened so fast.


Deanna said…
I enjoyed reading your thoughtful insights on motherhood this morning, Hallie. It was just what I needed after a very poor night of sleep and a very early awakening thanks to Carter. You brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing.

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