My girl is beautiful

Today a colleague asked me how "Little Mae" was doing and I just broke out with a huge smile and replied, "beautiful."

I spent the remainder of the afternoon thinking about how sparkly her eyes are, her cherubic grin, round face, semi-automatic flailing arms. How her expression changes when her mom sings to her and how she responds with her loud coos and aahs. I think about how awesome the color pink looks (butter yellow too) when made into clothing for cute little babies.
I am so glad that babies can't also talk and reason because I'd just give-in to most any demand without putting up a fight. She is that beautiful.


grandma Janet said…
She certainly is a cutie! Love those little "chins" of Mae's.
Deanna said…
I can't believe how much my little neice has grown! I hardly recognize her! What a beauty, indeed!

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