Small Diapers, Holy Socks and Wet Strollers

From Michael-

Sleep deprivation and the task of taking care of more than one child can strain your mental capacities. In just 3 days I have lost at least one third of my IQ. Here are some of the ways I know this to be fact.

1. While changing Jonah I tried unsuccessfully, for much longer than should have been the case, to apply Mae's little tiny diapers to Jonah. When that didn't work I figured something was wrong with the diaper and tried again. With Mae's diapers. I figured it out now though. Big diapers for big kid, baby diapers for little baby.

2. I actually caught myself getting mad at my socks for having holes in them. I threw them out and grabbed a new pair. These socks also had holes in them. I said loudly and emotionally, "I am sick and tired of holes in my socks!" I then took off the second pair and put them back in my drawer.

3. Realizing that I left the stroller outside this morning in the rain, I went to the computer to check the weather report, read, TomDispatch, my work email, and finally update the blog. 15 minutes later I looked out the window and saw that the rain was coming down heavy and I had yet to put the stroller back in the garage. Ugh.

I wouldn't change a thing though. Hallie knows I am often smarter than these examples, Jonah thinks I am a bit off but doesn't seem to care and Mae is just happy that I am a warm body to sleep against. As for me, I couldn't be happier about my beautiful family.


ghiefield said…
I am so happy for you! If love is really what it is all about, which it is, then you are doing your part for the world and it is coming back to everything always will. Good for you/us! I know you are exhausted, but this stage is so fleeting...know that is won't last and try to soak it up. Kiss your babies' feet for me!
michael, you were really never that smart to begin with. :) much love to all of you, matt
T and R said…
The holy socks cracks me up! Does it require having another baby for one to finally throw out the holy socks? Glad you're not sweating the small stuff and just enjoying the whole experience. Btw, we're excited to have another baby girl in our circle so we can pass on some girl clothes to! - Terri

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