Grandma and Grandpa are Heroes

People have been asking what we did with Jonah while the birth was happening. Hallie and I went on a date Saturday night figuring it would be the last on for a while. Grandma and Grandpa Diltz agreed to take Jonah for the night. We went out to dinner at Kenny and Zukes and Hallie watched me have a couple drinks at Ringler's Annex. Made it home by midnight and had a night alone in the house together. 3 am Sunday morning Hallie was up. 4am I was up. 6 am we were at the hospital and 8:31 am we were holding our unbelievably beautiful daughter, Mae.

Meanwhile Jonah was at "Meinma and Poppa's". We recuperated in the hospital and then at home for a day while Jonah got showered with love and attention at the grandparents' house. Grandpa was even the caregiver for 2 mornings getting him changed, fed, played with, changed, fed, fed, etc. When Jonah returned home he didn't even seem to care. He just said, "poppa" at 5 minute intervals throughout the day.


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