X-mas, New Year's, Crawling, Other Stuff

Christmas with a child is so much fun. We went out and got a HUGE tree, filled it with ornaments and lights, and were pretty much as excited as we have been for a while for Christmas to come. I've heard it said that you really do experience things through your child's eyes, and that certainly was true for this holiday.

New Year's was, of course, different. We tried our absolute hardest to make it..we watched movies, drank a couple beers, had the champagne ready to go in the fridge. But it was all for nothing. Our sorry asses ended up in bed by 11:15, the bottle of champagne is still in the 'fridge and glares at me menacingly each time I open the door. I understand; it didn't get to fulfill it's destiny. I feel slightly guilty. Some other mom friends have reassured me that it was New Year's somewhere, but I still feel lame.

In other news, Jonah has finally started to figure out the whole crawling thing. It has been so interesting to watch his progress. The first time he really went for it, my friend Elke was visiting with her adorable little 10-week-old Skyeler (sp?). Jonah was desperately trying to get to her, and did two or three full-out crawls. Of course who can blame him when he's got someone that beautiful in front of him? I just chalk it up to his intelligence:)

And as for me....things are going well. Being someone's care taker nearly 100% of the time is hard work, no doubt. I pretty much question my parenting abilities daily (oh my god, I'm screwing this kid up, and he's going to end up being a big BRAT!), I run my self pretty much ragged all day long between cleaning up me and Jonah's messes, attempting to get a load or two of laundry done so we don't have to spend our entire weekend worrying about it, planning piano lessons for my SIX (count 'em!) students, trying to stay in touch with friends (but failing pretty miserably), taking a daily walk, and oh so many other little things. I've never been so busy, so challenged, and so satisfied. I am a truly lucky woman.


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