Being a parent is awesome! It is like a new gift every day and it all seems that Jonah plans, choreographs and performs these daily feats just so we will get a smile and a jolt of some serious oxytocin. He has managed to make every day feel like your favorite day. The kind of day that begins with a phone call that says,

"Go back to sleep or just enjoy the morning cause work is starting late (or not at all) today."

Crawling. This makes for a very happy boy. Jonah was beginning to get really frustrated when playing on his own because of the lack of mobility and his ability to fling his prefered toy far from his seated location. Now, he gets on his hands and knees, wigglesd his butt a bit to warm up and then heads off in any direction he chooses. What a happy boy.


Okay, I'm impressed. I was "test googling" my name and gDiapers as I've been writing a few articles to promote them and promote green living. And low and behold...I come across you. I've always enjoyed my name, but it's not terribly common. find another Hallie mommy using gDiapers...what exactly are the odds of that!?! If you want to peek in on our life as I have yours...our site is

You've brought a smile to my day, hopefully I can return the favor.

congrats la familia Diltzas!
pretty awesome, huh?!?!?
the first step in Jonah's independence......before you know it, he will be asking for his own room in the basement with a lock on the door.

time to get the mighty mites together again, now that they are both cruising (and play so dang good together)

congrats on the new chapter you guys!
grandma Janet said…
That's my Grandson! I knew you would get the idea of crawling. There is no stopping you now. Look out world here comes Jonah.
Grandma D

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