Dear God No. It's the Poo.

Oh man, I don't want to spend too much time on this particular topic so I will try to be brief.

Everything about babies is wonderful. The way they smell, the feel of their little breaths when snuggled into your neck, the cute coos and gurgles they create, the laughter. Even their poo is not a bother. It is what I imagine angels must leave behind. It even smells like fresh pastries or other baked goods (I swear this is true. Ask anyone who has changed a young, breast-fed baby). So, it has been quite a shock now that he is eating solid foods because his poo is disgusting. It reminds me Jonah is human, though I wish for a gentler reminder of that fact.

Now I find myself troubled every time I feed him something new because you never know exactly how gross the end result is going to be. And I secretly chant to myself before changing him..

Please don't be the poo this time. Please don't let it be me.

I know it is going to be there eventually but I am playing the odds each and every time hoping that it isn't me who finds it. (sorry babe, it's the truth)


pastries? baked goods?
where on earth are you buying your desserts, my friend? time to look for another bakery, if your goodies are smelling like baby doodies.

so, i take it you dont like the tootsie rolls, eh?

BorisPop aka proudPapaOfaBoyWhosPoopSmellsLikePoop(andNotDoughnuts)

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