Never Thought These Things Would be So Fascinating

All of a sudden, little Jonah has become a fun little person. His hands have found their way into his mouth (entertainment!), he's been practicing rolling over onto his side, he makes all kinds of fun little noises, and he can hold onto an object for a few minutes. He has also figured out how to look from side to side when I'm holding him. As silly as all this may sound, it makes a huge difference- I know he's awake from his nap because I hear slurping noises coming from the bassinet (yum yum, those hands are tasty!). He doesn't just cry to let me know he's awake, because he's occupied, thank you very much.

He's also starting to giggle just a little bit, when I bury my face in his neck and give him kisses. It's more like little squeals, but I'll tell you, NO stand up comic on the planet can make you laugh as hard as the sound of your baby laughing and being delighted.

I could literally make a map of the milestones. It is so fascinating how they happen and the fact that all babies achieve things in about the same order. Nature certainly is amazing.

Jonah has made me understand that happiness and contentedness come from slowing down, paying attention, and allowing things to unfold. Because I believe to really show your baby love and lay a good foundation so they become confident people for the rest of their lives, they need lots of attention from you, not from a playpen or swing while you run around the house doing whatever it is that you think you should be doing. But I suppose time will tell:)


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