Happy Father's Day from Jonah to Dad

A Father’s Day Poem

Today is father’s day number one
And I’m so happy to be your son

You gave me my first bath, and washed me real good
And changed my pooey diaper when no on else could

And when we got home you helped Mom so much
She would have been in bad shape if it weren’t for your loving touch.

Babywising you tried but I’m so glad you quit
You were getting so frustrated I thought you would spit!

Then back to work you grudgingly went
All day long your loving thoughts you sent

Mom and I did finally work it out
But without you here, I just wanted to pout.

Then fussy I was when you’d walk through the door
But, pa, the milk was hurtin’ me right in my core!

And sorry for testing you those first few Monday nights
We’ve become better buddies because of those fights.

Now here comes summer and our chance to play
Though Mom will be sad she won’t be with us all day

But she told me that you’re the greatest Dad on the Earth
And I wiggled with delight and giggled with mirth

To think that I’m such a wonderfully lucky boy
To have a dad that brings me such joy!



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