Write your Own Caption
These pictures show Jonah and his good buddy Boris (BeeBao) as they begin to learn to use their hands and hold their heads and bodies up. Write a caption for any or all of the photos and post it in the comment section. The winner will receive a special blog gift from Jonah to you. 

Hey BeeBao, let's dance, I'll Lead,
Photo #2
Hmmm, Let me think about that for a moment.
Photo #3
Hey Bee Bao, Look at that cute chick over there.
#2. What do you MEAN the stork didn't deliver us?? Boris, are ya sure? Woah, i gotta think about this for a sec...
#3. Psssssst....newsfash dude. Willie is SO Live Aid 1985! Don't ya know it's all about The Man in Black??
Jonah: Mmm, your cheeks are so round and plump, I gotta suck on 'em, lemme at 'em!
BeeBao: I think Jonah thinks I'm his first "solid food"!
Photo #2
BeeBao: Get your hands off me, my cheeks are only for my mom to kiss!
(Jonah is trying to hold himself back and is fixated on those big cheeks which resemble the source of the goodness of mother's milk.)
Photo #3
BeeBao: Geez, man, I'm not your freakin armrest.
Jonah: Man, I dig BeeBao, he is a good friend, even if he won't let me suck on his cheeks.