My Mind

Reading: When the Sleeper Wakes by H.G. Wells

Listening: Yellow House by Grizzly Bear, Year Zero by Nine Inch Nails, Expensive Shit by Fela Kuti

Eye Candy:

I have begun to realize the impact that having a child has on my thinking. I used to listen to the news, read the paper and browse the internet for information about the world around me. In general, I'd end up switching NPR for NIN or other suitable tunes, the world news for Sudoku, and Internet information in exchange for YouTube, Pitchfork, or punching the monkey to win an ipod.

Now, however, I find myself deeply disturbed in a whole new way when reading about environmental and political news, because I understand that whatever is happening now is the world in which Jonah Elias Timetraveler Diltz lives, learns and grows.


BB (before baby) I knew that through my daily choices, actions and interactions with others and the world around me, I could begin to make a tiny dent in the problems that can seem overwhelming. Now it has become a feeling that pervades everything I do. I find myself espousing the need to buy less and use your dollar as a voice and a vote to my class of 10 and 11 year olds. Sometimes there is a spark of understanding, often times I have to save the awkward silence, perplexed looks and heavy mood with a fart joke or something of that caliber.

Things I have been obsessing about lately:

  • my own physical weakness
  • icebergs
  • forests
  • acid rain
  • war
  • famine
  • over-population (blame that on religion)
  • one income family
  • my poor vegetable plants that died because of a hot day under the cold frame
  • incompetence
  • Frank Lutz (one of the many reasons why truth is meaningless and endangered in this country) So you see, I have been a bit overwhelmed by it all and when I try to take in stride, I realize it is too late. Ignorance is bliss and I blew it. Not that I have become more intelligent through the aforementioned topics, but I have blown the false sense of peace I felt by reading, researching and becoming better informed about the world around me.

The only thing that gives me solice is that if I can positively impact the world in some way each and every day, no matter how painful it may be at times, it just might be possible to make this world a place worth living in. And though I care about you too, I do every single, selfless act I can for my son.


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