Bye-Bye Forever, Diapers

Strange that I am saying this has been a bittersweet day...but getting rid of the cloth diapers was a little bit difficult. I was a little sad to leave them at the shop where they will be consigned and used on another little bottom or two before they become car wash rags. No tiny little butts to diaper. I can't believe it.
But MAN..those cloth diapers are amazing. We used them on both they were in constant use for at least 4 years, AND they were still in good enough shape to be resold at a children's boutique in town. Talk about green. Those little innocent looking pieces of material saved us hundreds of dollars and saved a few thousand diapers from ending up in the land fill. Not that we were at all purists. We still did a nightly disposable for Mae, and used them on vacations, etc. I'm so proud of us for sticking with them and doing the little bit of extra work it took. I really feel like we made a difference.