New Ideas Everyday

Jonah has made some wonderful observations and posed some intriguing questions recently.
While talking about leaves falling from trees Jonah said, "Do leaves have parachutes?"

While playing down in the basement Jonah found the wireless doorbell button in his horde of toys and said, "the ding dong."
Hallie teased Jonah, "You are a ding dong."
Jonah replied, "I'm not a ding dong mommy I'm a little boy."

Jonah is kind of becoming obsessed with a couple animated movies at the moment. Though he typically only gets to watch about 20 to 30 minutes of tv a day he still chooses to watch the same video each time... Monsters Incorporated. In a quest to end his obsession (because I really can't bare to hear Billy Crystal as the voice of a one eyed little blobby monster anymore) I showed him the movie Cars. Now all he wants to know about is "What is Lighting Mcgween doing right now?" While in the stroller Jonah asked, "Do cars have mouths?"

Now Mae has had some monumental discoveries lately too. Today she clapped and looked at me in anticipation. I clapped and she responded then she decided she needed to clap daddy's hands for him and took my hands in hers and pushed my hands together. It was a sweet moment that ended with both Mae and I giggling about our interaction.

Jonah shared his food with Mae today and invited her to come play in the tent we made out of a sheet in the basement. He let her throw some balls around and play kitchen with us too. Jonah is beginning to warm up to his sister and it only took nearly a year.

So we are doing pretty wonderful ourselves. We just completed a remodel on our house which includd moving the front door and putting a porch on the house. Moving an entryway to a room and making way for our bedroom suite in the back of the house. And we redid our kitchen. We are so happy to have the house done, the kids growing so quickly (bittersweet) and our happy little lives remaining beautiful and full of joy.


grandma Janet said…
Anonymous said…
Can you call IKEA reception we may have something of yours. Please ask for Tracy and let us know you're calling about item 993 in the lost log. Sorry to use your blog but I did not see anyother way to contact you. this message is for Hallie. My number is 503-281-8028 press zero to get to me. Thanks
Ryan said…
"Do cars have mouths?"

How did you respond to the question?

When I student taught in Kindergarten a kid was flipping through a poem book and asked me in total amazement, "Can cows really jump over the moon Mr. Chin?"

I realized that I didn't want to lie nor did I want to take away his personal discoveries so I responded, "Well it looks like that one in the picture can."

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