BYE BYE CRIB...Hello Big Boy Bed

Wow. It's happened. Jonah has suddenly decided that he wants to sleep bar-free in his red fire truck toddler bed. It's been set up beside his crib and he has adamantly refused to sleep in it, until yesterday at nap time. He was a little nervous, and I had to go back up to his room three times to tuck him in, retrieve his bunny from the floor, and then sing him a song, but he slept in that bed for his entire nap. Last night he also wanted to sleep in it and he did great. Woke up at 3am and came to get Daddy, but was right back to sleep. He came in our room in the morning and got in bed and snuggled for a little while.

I'm sad and happy at the same time, like I am everyday with this parenting thing. Luckily the happys happen way more than the sads!


T and R said…
That's one blazin' hot big boy bed! Super cool guys. How exciting to have this transition happen, even if a bit bittersweet. :)

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