Nap Time

Today we all got home from a lovely morning picking berries on Sauvie Island with Michael's parents, sister and her son Carter. We arrived home just in time for Jonah's nap, and Michael promptly took him upstairs, while Mae and I stayed downstairs. About 1/2 hour later, as Michael had not come downstairs, I assumed that the two of them had fallen asleep in the rocking chair. All of a sudden I start hearing this quiet voice from upstairs calling "Mommy, Mommy." Confused, I walked upstairs to find Jonah in the doorway to his room. I opened the door to find Michael asleep in the rocking chair, surrounded by Jonah's favorite sleep things; two stuffed animals, and a fuzzy green blanket.

Well, I said, laughing to myself, at least one of them is getting a good nap:)


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