
Showing posts from January, 2009

My girl is beautiful

Today a colleague asked me how "Little Mae" was doing and I just broke out with a huge smile and replied, "beautiful." I spent the remainder of the afternoon thinking about how sparkly her eyes are, her cherubic grin, round face, semi-automatic flailing arms. How her expression changes when her mom sings to her and how she responds with her loud coos and aahs. I think about how awesome the color pink looks (butter yellow too) when made into clothing for cute little babies. I am so glad that babies can't also talk and reason because I'd just give-in to most any demand without putting up a fight. She is that beautiful.


Mae only woke up once last night. Since the day we brought her home she has always woken up twice- at around 1 and around 4. But last night, it was 3am, and the 7:30. We are so blessed to have such a great sleeper this time around.

Don't know what to title this one-from the mama

Maybe, "the life I never thought I'd be leading" or "My crazy, happy, schizophrenic days as a mother of two little ones" or "Take a breath, Hallie, this is going to go by fast." Half the time I have no idea what to think. I love these kids, I want to hang onto this time while they are so little, but at the same time, they have the unique ability to make me totally crazy. They have given me so much, and at the same time taken some things away, for instance the ability to have any Hallie centered thoughts all day. I think I have some parts of parenthood understood and nailed down, and then everything will confound me. But man, these kids are cute. Mae is turning into an absolute doll. For the first weeks of her life I was calling her my "funny face," but now she is just turning into a beauty. She is very peaceful and so smiley and good natured. Jonah, though very demanding, is also a sweet-natured kid who is turning into a thoughtful, caring bi...

Mae's Vitals 2 month Check Up

@ 2 Months Weight= 10 pounds 8 ounces Height= 25 inches Change from birth 6 inches in 2 months 4 pounds 12 ounces

Beautiful Animation

This animation is such a beautiful gift from artist Jeff Scher . Though it does make me wish for the time and skills to imitate it for Jonah and Mae. Here is the sequel . Thanks Ali W. for posting a related link on Facebook.

Why I Love Being a Parent #314

Today is Monday. I have been to work exactly five times in the past eight weeks. I came home from work, looked through the dining room window and heard squealing with delight from the other side of the glass. Jonah was happy to see me. Happy isn't the right word. It seemed like he had that feeling you get as you approach the front of a 45 minute line waiting for a 1.5 minute roller-coaster, the sensation while on the roller-coaster AND just after you get off the ride all in one. He squealed, pointed to the door and ran. I went to the door, opened it and stepped inside. With a huge grin from ear to ear and a slight sway back and forth, Jonah ran to give me a hug. He then stood back a bit. Swayed some more. Looked at me and cooed with the most sincere tone, "Miss(ed) you daddy."

Jonah and Mae Just Chill

Jonah is beginnning to really enjoy having his sister around. He calls out for her when he hears her make noise, he asks for her at bed time and loves to touch her hair. In fact, Jonah even said one of his first big sentences when describing Mae's hair; pointing at Mae's hair "Mae hair up funny."

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

One of Jonah's first attempts to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star all by himself. This video was taken about 2 weeks ago and he practices almost everyday now.