The four of us..some thoughts from the mama

What a whirlwind since this little girl came into our lives. I said to Michael one day "this little thing just eats, sleeps, and poops, but look what change she's brought to this household!" And change there has been. I finally came out of my post-delivery, hormonal, on another planet funk about a week ago, and have even had four or so days of taking care of both kids AT ONCE! And- NO ONE DIED, OR WENT HUNGRY, OR EVEN HAD MUCH TO COMPLAIN ABOUT!! I felt so accomplished after those days were over.
I think my greatest challenge is Mae's crazy appetite. If she's not sleeping, literally she's eating. She does have a couple 10- 15 minutes increments a few times a day when she's just staring at me, or hanging out in her little bassinet, but beyond that, it's all about being on Mommy. So often times as I'm preparing Jonah's meals, I've got Mae attached to me while I'm running around the kitchen getting food ready with one hand. I'm sure it looks totally ridiculous.

Having a newborn around the house is so much more enjoyable the second time around. I can really just relax and enjoy her without having to be constantly second guessing myself, or that weird sound she just made. I've also realized that no one out there has the definitive answer to any baby care issue, especially when it comes to sleep. You just have to do what's best for you and what works for your family. I wish I had know that with Jonah and not read every baby book that existed. All they do is make you feel like you're an inept parent!

So we're doing fine, but things seem very hectic and it does feel like we're having to learn to do things all over again. We're learning to be four of us, instead of three of us, and it's definitely going to take some time. But Jonah genuinely seems to enjoy having Mae around and Michael and I are so happy about our new little family. We're taking it day by day and that's the best anyone can do.


Deanna said…
Good job, Mama. You're doing great and hooray for you that you were able handle both kiddo and newborn at once! I can't even imagine.

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