Maybe you can help us. We need a new blogger url for our whole family blog because our new little baby will be here soon and just isn't going to cut it. So if you have a snappy title that might work let us know.

Also, we are in need of some baby name recommendations and books aren't cutting it. We had to throw out the last baby book we were using. As we went through the boy names one night we came to "Beelzebub" and knew something was amiss with the book. We gave it the benefit of the doubt and cruised through a couple more letters. When we came to the F's and discovered "Frankenstein" I followed that with another F word NOT in the book and we tossed the book. So, if you can suggest names better than Beelzebub Diltz or Frankenstein Diltz let us know.

In addition to all of these requests we have one more. Many of you know Jonah is blessed with the coolest middle name ever, TIMETRAVELER, and the new little one deserves the very best too. We have a couple of well thought out sci-fi nerd names like "quantum mechanic", "stargazer", "Jedi" and "Seldon"


T and R said…
I remember getting a "sci fi" baby name book from the library which was pretty interesting and funny. Nothing that resonated for us at the time, but maybe you might find something in there on par with Timetraveler? Hmmm...Intergalatic? Or Galatica?

I'm stumped with ideas for a blog name. Do you want something with family in it?
grandma Janet said…
You could try something as catchy as thediltzfamily. Not original but it works.....
Jed Jorgensen said…
I was going to suggest something "" ...but it seems you may have come to that conclusion yourself.


You also can't go wrong with "Eventhorizon" as a middle name.

T and R said…
Doh! After reading other comments I'm now feeling stupid...I guess I didn't realize your blog name already shows up as Adventures of a Family, as I usually just pay attention to the URL name (which I guess is what you were wanting to change?)
michael said…
The blog is called "adventures of a Family" but, when I was a blogging newbie I didn't understand that the url could be that and made it our blog email address. So, I'll be changing the url to I'll link it from this one when the new baby comes.
Anonymous said…



That's all the sci-fi I can come up with at the moment!
Anonymous said…
How about like, Infinity? Or Continuum? Michael once told us he liked the name Pylon. Pylon Infinity Diltz? And just go with something simple like Hallie&Michael'sFamily or DiltzClarkFamily or the Cliltzes or the Darks or something?
Anonymous said…
how about a good old fashioned middle name like Ann or Kathleen or Marie. for a boy how about Dean or Larry or William. Just a thought.

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