The Sleep Trials (aka-getting ready for baby)

Jonah has been learning a new skill, albeit painfully for all of us. I realized a few days ago that it's not going to be possible with a newborn to continue rocking Jonah to sleep for naps and bedtime. We will simply not have the capacity for this. Although his Daddy and I love to rock him, there's just no way it's going to work with another baby to care for. So little Jonah has been doing a little growing up. The days have been pretty bad for the two of us, although we've only gone through 2 days of learning this new skill (but it seems like a year!). Yesterday, he didn't nap AT ALL-just refused to allow himself to fall asleep on his own-and of course there were lots of tears. This, of course, makes for a long weary day for both of us.

Being a parent is so difficult sometimes. I know intellectually that training him to fall asleep without me will not only benefit him, but all of us in the long run, but at the same time, I HATE putting him through it, and I realize that I'm asking him to take one step further out of baby hood, though I long to keep him in that nice cozy place.

I guess parenthood is having the wisdom to do things your child doesn't like for the moment, so that they will be happy in the long run. But being the bad guy basically is NO FUN!


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