
Showing posts from August, 2008

The Sleep Trials (aka-getting ready for baby)

Jonah has been learning a new skill, albeit painfully for all of us. I realized a few days ago that it's not going to be possible with a newborn to continue rocking Jonah to sleep for naps and bedtime. We will simply not have the capacity for this. Although his Daddy and I love to rock him, there's just no way it's going to work with another baby to care for. So little Jonah has been doing a little growing up. The days have been pretty bad for the two of us, although we've only gone through 2 days of learning this new skill (but it seems like a year!). Yesterday, he didn't nap AT ALL-just refused to allow himself to fall asleep on his own-and of course there were lots of tears. This, of course, makes for a long weary day for both of us. Being a parent is so difficult sometimes. I know intellectually that training him to fall asleep without me will not only benefit him, but all of us in the long run, but at the same time, I HATE putting him through it, and I realize ...