Jonah at Grandma and Grandpa's House

Jonah is 16 months. At "menma" and "mempa's" house he enjoys watering the plants in the backyard, climbing and sliding on the awesome play equipment, eating his third lunch, and cracking himself up while throwing scoops of sand into the air. Going to the grandparent's house is so much fun.


Unknown said…
dudes-- i love the video. jonah is so cute! his laugh over the sand makes me want to buy a sandbox just to see what gus would do.
Deanna said…
Carter asked Mom to write a note to Cousin Jonah to tell him how much he enjoyed watching the video and how excited he is to come visit and play with Jonah on his big boy play set at Menma and Mempa's next month!
T and R said…
Sand is fun! Jonah is fun! Oh, the sandcastles to be made in that box.

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