Jonah Walks

Jonah is now a walking machine. He can carry things while walking. His head is full of bumps from the many falls. I have realized that, next to fingernails on a chalk board, the sickening thud of head on hardwood floor is my most hated sound. Luckily Jonah doesn't seem phased at all by these falls, otherwise he'd give up on the notion of walking and be satisfied with the proximity to the ground that he can achieve through crawling.

Walking side by side holding hands is pure joy and I love it even more when he looks up at me and babbles. As many of my friends with kids have said to us, "Once you have a child you wonder what your life was like without them." This is so true. I love being a dad.


Auntie Kealie said…
Walk tall, little man!! I'm beaming with proud joy!! :) Love you Jonah! (and sis and Michael!)

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