Over the River and Through the Woods by Grandma & Grandpa Diltz

Over the river and through the woods to Grandma’s house we go…..Jonah had his first ever sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. Michael was receiving an award at a banquet 2 hours away and their hotel was paid for so…..

Jonah had such a blast just eating, playing ball with Sadie (our dog), eating, bathing, eating, reading stories, eating, walking around the house holding on to us with just one finger or standing alone or eating! That is Jonah’s favorite pastime (eating).

Since I (Grandma) get to keep Jonah all day on Wednesdays, I let Grandpa take the lead. He turned out to be a great story reader and even tucked our little munchkin in bed for the night! Sadie was camped out next to the pack and play on the floor just like she does on Wednesdays when he naps. Jonah slept like a champ and awoke the next morning with his usual big sparkling blue eyes and a very toothy smile and ready for breakfast.

Mommy came midmorning to pick up her boy even though we (including Sadie) wanted him to stay longer. We are eagerly awaiting our next sleepover with Jonah. A great time was had by all.


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