The Human Stomach

Lock your pantries, shut your refrigerators, hide your baked goods as fast as you can. Hallie and her kid Jonah, aka "the human stomach," are on their way over.

I'm sure this is what my mom friends say to themselves as they see the pale green stroller pull up in front of their houses. Or maybe it's something more like, "well, there goes the paycheck I just earned last week." Oh and I'm normally prepared with the mandatory bag of cheerios, but it doesn't matter. If Jonah sees another kid eating anything, you better have seconds and thirds of that, thank you very much.

Case and point. I brought Jonah over the his new friend Gordon's house a few days ago. As soon as we walked in, Jonah saw the bag of fried vegetable snacks, so he shoved several hand fulls into his mouth. Gordon was just sitting down to have his breakfast which consisted of a bowl of cheerios in a little bit of milk. Do you think Jonah could let that go..NO WAY..he was over to that little table with his hands in the bowl, shoveling out the cereal as fast as he could go. Then Gordon's mom, Erin, brings out a bag of dehydrated fruit snacks for Gordon and lays some out of the kiddie table. Jonah snatches them all up and eats them, then eyes Erin for more. After he had exhasted Gordon's breakfast, he then went back to the vegetable snacks and took several more handfuls of those. About 10 minutes later, Erin offered me two pieces of toast, which Jonah happily shared with me. And get this..this happed about 1 hour after a huge breakfast of a whole bananah, a piece of buttered toast, 1/2 an adult serving of oatmeal and many gulps of milk. For those of you who have seen this kid, he is by no means large, in fact, he is certainly on the petite side of things. Where he puts all this food, no one knows.

However, if I stop getting invitations for play dates, I'll know what's up:)


Anonymous said…
I'm surprised he didn't finish all of his bread and avocado then the other day!? Maybe he had filled up earlier. He did munch on Cherrios later though, in my feeble attempts to offer something sweet other than Mom or Dad. :/

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