Bed Time

by Michael

I have a strategy that works extremely well when putting Jonah down for the evening. After Hallie gives him the "master pacifiers", I come in and "close" the deal. I have a method that works well and consistently.

The Basic:
Hold baby in arms.

The Rotisserie:
Rock back and forth while slowly turning.

The Pat:
Every left or right side rocking motion (but not both) should be accompanied by a light pat on the butt or back.

The Breath:
Calm your body by slowing your breaths to a meditative like breathing cycle. Think of the breath and the calming of the body. I know people that can get into a state of quiet mind quickly through Tai Chi, yoga or meditation. This is the easiest way that I have found to get my own thoughts quiet.

Be the Baby:
Close your eyes, while doing all of the aforementioned. Put yourself in the baby's place. Isn't it a pretty wonderful life to get rocked to sleep by a warm, caring body? Someone else cleaned you up for bed. Someone read you a story or two. And someone will place you into your bed, put a soft blanket over you (why the hell don't we adults get wonderful soft clothing and blankets like babies? It is not fair) and turn out the light.

I know this won't last forever but I love these moments. For the past 3 weeks Jonah has also been reaching up in his semi-sleepy state, touching my face and then running his little fingers through my hair and beard.

As Hallie says, "Jonah is a sweet miracle."


grandma Janet said…
Yes, Jonah truly is a sweet miracle. We enjoy the bedtime "Sleep System". It works equally as well with Grandma...except for the beard part.

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