
Showing posts from February, 2008

Please Send Your Positive Thoughts To Carter Clift

Our little nephew, Jonah's only cousin, stopped breathing last night and is in the NICU in Fresno California. He is having trouble breathing it seems but beyond that I don't know any other information. Please send your positive thoughts to this little boy and his family, Deanna and Ryan. I know that he will make it through this and with your positive thoughts sent his way a fast recovery is sure to occur. We love you Deanna, Ryan and little Carter.

Jonah Has a Cousin. We Have a Nephew

from Michael This morning at 4:05 am my sister, Deanna, gave birth to a baby boy named Carter Ryan Clift. He is healthy, mom is happy and healthy, dad Ryan is happy (and healthy too). Hallie and I couldn't be happier to be aunt and uncle and I know Deanna and Ryan are ecstatic to be parents. Congratulations

For Anyone Under the Impression that it's Easy being a Stay at Home Parent

Here's the schedule these days: Jonah wakes up around 6am Bath Breakfast Play Nap about 2 to 3 hours after waking up Hallie runs around the house cleaning up breakfast, bath and play Jonah wakes up 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours later Diaper Change Snack Play Nap around 3 hours after waking from first nap Hallie runs around the house cleaning up snack and play, tries to do some laundry, plan piano lessons, deal with bills, house cleaning, etc. Wake up 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours later Diaper change Lunch Play Some sort of outing..walk to grocery store, Alberta, play date (ugg, I HATE that expression) Snack Michael gets home WHEW! Teach piano lessons or go to choir practice Dinner Story reading and bedtime routine Dinner for me!, glass of wine for me!, conversation with an adult for me!!! Bed for me!! GET UP AND DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN!!!

Bed Time

by Michael I have a strategy that works extremely well when putting Jonah down for the evening. After Hallie gives him the "master pacifiers", I come in and "close" the deal. I have a method that works well and consistently. The Basic: Hold baby in arms. The Rotisserie: Rock back and forth while slowly turning. The Pat: Every left or right side rocking motion (but not both) should be accompanied by a light pat on the butt or back. The Breath: Calm your body by slowing your breaths to a meditative like breathing cycle. Think of the breath and the calming of the body. I know people that can get into a state of quiet mind quickly through Tai Chi, yoga or meditation. This is the easiest way that I have found to get my own thoughts quiet. Be the Baby: Close your eyes, while doing all of the aforementioned. Put yourself in the baby's place. Isn't it a pretty wonderful life to get rocked to sleep by a warm, caring body? Someone else cle...