LIttle Jonah Begins to Speak

Jonah has been saying single syllables for some time now. They are as follows:


However, this week Jonah has started to put them together in multi-syllabic gibberish. The precursor to language. Or just imagine the first 6 words out of someone's mouth when they are suddenly awakened, "Huh? Guh? Wha? Da? Arrgh!"

He even is beginning to recognize the protocols of dialogue. He waits for his turn to respond to whatever it is I ask him.

Dad- How was your day Jonah Boy?

Jonah- Guh. Duh buh guh.

Dad- Wow! What did you do while daddy was gone today?

Jonah- Bah.... EEEEEEE.... Gah buh mah. Bahbahbah.

This starts me thinking about the different ways we could experiment with Jonah.

Here are some things I have come up with. I don't think Hallie will allow me to try any of these and honestly, it probably is not a great idea for a child's development.

  1. Only talk with kazoos.
  2. Speak using only a rain stick, 3 grains of rice in a film canister and the sound of a mustard squeeze bottle on it's last squeeze.
  3. Speak only in sound bytes from various James Brown songs.


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