Knowing the Language is Helpful

We have moved to a new country where we don't speak the language. I don't expect anyone to speak MY language. I am the visitor. The expat. The bule . But I have Google Translate on my phone so things will be alright. I can get by. Acquire the things I need, and get to the places I need to go. However, there are some very good reasons to have a basic understanding of the language that surrounds you. It isn't too difficult to think of the scenarios in which you might find yourself suffering for the non-existent language skills you possess. And you may find yourself soothed by the fact that many people do in fact speak your language, if your language is English. It isn't an obnoxious "American privilege" I speak from but a fact . But knowing how to say hello, good day, thank you, please and where is the bathroom can only get you so far. I decided that I needed a haircut and had the afternoon available to do so. I took ...