Happy 4th B-day, Jonah boy:)

Happy birthday to our big, big boy. He was a little sick with a fever, so Auntie Kealie and Deanna had to stay away, but both sets of grandparents were around, which was SO special. The day was pretty quiet and gave us a chance to hang out as a family. Jonah has made such huge changes this past year, it's unbelievable. He is continuing to become a thoughtful, caring, happy kid. We couldn't ask for more, especially with how well he's handling Mae and her TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE TWOS, which we are right in the middle of. Jonah even let Mae help him open a present and then let her play with his brand new toy. And all this while he had a fever. What a wonderful little man. Michael made THE most incredible cake for the little man. (and it even tasted good too!). We've posted photos of the results of his labor. We're so proud of you, Jonah, and you're happy, playful spirit. You have a way of making everything fun and show us new things about the world every day.