New Job, New life.
I officially said goodbye to my 9-5 office job a few weeks ago now. As this is the only thing I've known for about 12 years, the stay at home thing is harder to adjust to than I imagined. Every time Jonah and I go for a walk in the middle of the day, I have the sinking feeling that either 1) I am playing hookey from work, or 2) I am in a no man's land where the only people wandering around are strangely NOT at work either. I wonder who are all these people who don't go to an office everyday? I had no idea there were so many. I also had no idea how out of the loop I would feel. I got a lot of satisfaction from getting myself to work and making a buck everyday. Now I'm at home trying not to obsess about how the house cleaning isn't getting done 'cause the little tyrant wants to play! As you can imagine, intellectual stimulation is a little hard to come by these days. Don't get me wrong..I am absolutely thrilled that we stuck with our instincts...